Thursday, April 5, 2007

Placebo- Infra-red film clip

Ok, so we were shown this film clip in class recently and told to find out how the ants were done. I couldn't for the life of me work out how they made the ants look so real! I looked everywhere, expecting either a really complex, outstanding method, or a really simple one, otherwise we wouldnt have been asked, right!? Well, after finding the director and the company the made the film clip (not as easy i thought it would be), i searched under everything i could think of. After i while i admitted defeat and decided to wait to hear the answer. To my amazement, it turns out the footage of the ants is all live footage, seriously, real ants! They complied over somthing like 20 hours of footage of these ants and sorted through it till they found enough footage of the ants looking as though they were being electricuted, then they were put into the scene. The only shots of the ants that are CG are the ones where the ants are seen walking in formation. Looks great! (Good song too)